Eyes Web Week 2016

Casa Paganini – InfoMus Research Centre, DIBRIS, University of Genova, Italy
6-10 June 2016


The EyesWeb Week is an intensive tutorial aiming at sharing with participants the experience of the Casa Paganini – InfoMus Research Centre in the EyesWeb project.

The main focus is on the EyesWeb XMI open software platform (freely available at www.casapaganini.org) for scientific and technological research and development of innovative multimodal interfaces, systems, and applications (including distributed and mobile apps) in a growing number of fields, such as therapy and rehabilitation, independent living, artistic production, active experience of cultural heritage, and education.

EyesWeb XMI supports the development of computational models and real-time analysis of non-verbal human behavior, with a particular focus on full-body multimodal interaction and communication, expressive gesture, and social signals.



The EyesWeb Week aims at providing scientists, engineers, psychologists, therapists, musicians, dancers, artists, and other professionals with the opportunity to master and explore in detail the EyesWeb project and open software platform.

The program encompasses lectures, hands-on, and special sessions on selected topics. Special sessions will include, for example, a session on real-time synchronized multimodal recordings, i.e., how to record synchronized audio, video, motion capture, using the 13-cameras Qualisys motion capture system available at Casa Paganini; one or more sessions introducing current research projects at Casa Paganini – InfoMus; a session where participants can discuss their projects with the EyesWeb platform.

